Laser cutting machine cutting metal materials when the processing quality judgment criteria

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:HUYUN Optoelectronic Equipment Co., Ltd.
  • Time of issue:2023-10-16
  • Readers:553

When using traditional cutting technology to cut metal materials, due to the backwardness of its processing method. Often easy to cause low utilization of processed materials, resulting in the loss of processed materials, as well as in the cutting process of cutting accuracy is not high, the power consumption is greater. Therefore, the laser cutting machine has replaced the traditional cutting equipment as the preferred machine for cutting metal materials.

When using traditional cutting technology to cut metal materials, due to the backwardness of its processing method. Often easy to cause low utilization of processed materials, resulting in the loss of processed materials, as well as in the cutting process of cutting accuracy is not high, the power consumption is greater. Therefore, the laser cutting machine has replaced the traditional cutting equipment as the preferred machine for cutting metal materials. Here we will talk about the laser cutting machine cutting metal materials when the processing quality judgment criteria.

Laser cutting machine for cutting metal materials

Judging criteria a, in the use of laser cutting machine on the workpiece after the completion of cutting, observe the cutting workpiece cutting surface is smooth and flat, no burr, no concave and convex surface formation. If there is no appearance of the above phenomena, it means that the processing quality is relatively high. On the contrary, the processing quality is relatively low.

Judging criteria two, after the completion of cutting, observe the cutting surface of the workpiece whether the lines appear layer by layer, if this situation occurs, then the laser in the launch of irradiation on the surface of the workpiece, the laser beam is not centralized and uneven, so that the processing of the workpiece cutting surface of the phenomenon, which indicates that the processing of relatively low quality. If the above phenomenon does not occur, it means that the processing quality is relatively high.

Judging standard three, in the use of laser cutting machine to cut the workpiece, because the main form of cutting is the use of laser to gather heat, so that the metal surface to produce melting to cut, if the laser power is not controlled, so that the laser beam in the gathering of heat is high, will make the internal molecular changes in the metal material, easy to form a brittle fracture of the phenomenon occurs. The occurrence of this phenomenon indicates that the processing quality is low, and if it does not occur, it indicates that the processing quality is high.

Judging criteria four, in the use of laser cutting machine on the workpiece cutting work, to observe the width of the cutting slit, whether in the pre-set error range, if the wide slit after cutting is narrower or wider, then it shows that the processing quality is relatively low. If the width of the cut seam is within the error range, it means that the processing quality is relatively high.